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CSR Funding class first to 12th as BGCH organization has its own school for class 1st to 7th in our campus and for further studies 8th to 10th graders has to go out side of the campus by walk and attend the school. As English medium has now become an important means for education, everyone think that they should get good education in good English medium school. Organization has land for this English medium school project but no funds for school permission & school building without good infrastructure the organization was helpless. If organization gets any help form CSR project, it will be not only helpful for the children residing in the campus but also the near by villages children can also study in that school and pursue their education / carrier they can study there from 1st to 12th glade at same place. Higher studies (Technical Education) After 12th there is big problem for the orphan children. We think that they should enter the world out side BGCH with some skilled education, which will benefit them. This further study can be ITI- Industrial Training Institute, Nursing Institute or Any Technical course which will help them to survive and flourish their lives.

Reasons to give BGCH

  • Education

  • Clothing

  • Medical Help

  • Food

Some other things you can donate

  • Children Birthdays

  • Sanitary Napkins

  • Sports material

  • Other daily needs

  • Bedding / Blankets

Feel free to contact and donate

+91 6262356161

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